Barcelona 2017 – tourists and locals
actually i saw in Barcelona much more tourists than locals, even i tried to avoid massive tourists places, but i had time to visit Sagrada Familia, park Guell, Montjuic Castle, Catedral de Barcelona, Basílica de Santa Maria del Mar and some more – some of these places you will recognize in the images below. in addition to my regular DSLR camera, two days i walked with the only Ricoh GR1s film camera and exposed two rolls of Velvia but still waiting for the results from the local Lab. i hope to take them tomorrow and even more hope to see some appropriate results – both rolls were expired more then 10 years ago, plus – they SURVIVED a X-Ray machine in very “friendly” Barcelona airport.
some cool or interesting facts – i took this first image of these girls shooting selfie with the Catedral de Barcelona at their background and immediately they asked me to take a few images of them with their smartphone, we started to talk and in the end of our conversation understood that we are from the same country
at the second image – my mom is in the front line before chinese tourists
these Barcelona acrobats asked me to take their group portrait and to post it to their Facebook “Barcelona Acrobats” group (or page??) – I did not find either one or the other , but was nice to collaborate with them.
and the last one – i found this beautiful highlighted door of one of the entrance to Sagrada Familia and took a few close ups of these outstanding typography, very close in a shade i notised two girls taking portraits of each other – i recommended to one of them this place and asked to pose for my camera too
enjoy :
Thank you…
Marvellous, every one a winner! Love the shot with the hoola hoop.
thank you Paula !!
Outstanding series again Victor! You amaze me again and again! Thank you for sharing your inspiring work.
hey Jurgen !! huge thank you for these kind words. i feel myself in some kind of creativity block all last time so its very important for me !!
This will pass! We all have these days and I found out something important about it: We don’t have a creativity block, we are just in a period of transition. Creativity sometimes need a short time of “recreation”…
Creativity is a gift that stays with you and I look forward to see lots more of your great art!
Have a wonderful day my friend,
thank you again Jurgen. i almost bought a new gear ( some lens ) but understood that this is the trap and nothing external can help – only to wait and to continue shooting
and you said very beautiful words !
You are right!
Barcelona is being projected as a vibrant city, young in full of life. Taking pics of the locals and their activity gives one a fair but true idea of their life.
Thank you for sharing it. I’m interested in street photography. Do you ask the people before / after taking the picture?
greats, alexander
Hey Victor, great set of well chosen shots and put together in an effective sequence. All great shots!!
thank you Sam for taking a look and such kind words. i have some more images to post within a part ii !
Great shots Victor! Looks like you’ve enjoyed the trip!
i enjoyed every single minute of this trip and it was about to walk and to see and less to take pictures. two days i walked with the only film camera loaded with color slide film not usual for me condition. i will get the results next week and hope more
thank you very much !
Looking forward to seeing them
thank you Yuri !!
Wow! Love these.
thank you very much !!