portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip


portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip

as i said in my posts before, kids were everywhere and they knew to find us and to stand around and to watch carefully what we were doing. yes – their poorness was obvious, but they looked absolutely HAPPY ! our talent to compare everything with the world that we built around us, sometimes leads us to a dead end in our thoughts. one, having “nothing”, can be much more happy than another one having everything.
enjoy the moments and portraits :

portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip
portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip
portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip
portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip
portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip
portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip
portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip
portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip
portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip
portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip
portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip
portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip

Thank you…

29 Replies to “portraits of kids, Ethiopia trip”

  1. wonderful viewing these smiling children’s faces in the morning. they made me cheer-up. i agree what you said about having nothing and everything. it is a misunderstanding of western people that having things is connected with being happy.

  2. Wonderful series and so true that it is possible to be happy and not have what we possess. I have seen this in the favelas in Brazil. The more you have the more you worry about losing it.
    Essential is to have enough to eat and a roof over your head. Someone said: “if you have to be poor, do so in a warm country”..some truth in that.

  3. Beautiful set of portraits, great expressions in lovely soft colors! Nothing brings out hope and wonder like the smiles on these kids’ faces.

    1. Thank you Sam ! I have many to post from this trip. Portraits, the city life some interesting event that i was so lucky to see and to shoot. Thank you for all kind words again.

  4. I love them all – the seriousness and the happiness. The girl with the green and yellow background is my favorite. Thanks for showing your work

  5. Every images are poignantly showcasing your amazing camaraderie with the children of that lovely country :):) Just can’t stop seeing enough :):)

  6. so what did you to the kids did you add to their happiness or took their picture and walked away by the way it depends how you define poor we are not poor we just don’t have cash ……i don’t mean to discourage you but i love my habeshawi ….

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