Snapshots from the car – my purposeless photography (part ii).

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Snapshots from the car – my purposeless photography (part ii).


(Zero AI – 100% human created content).


Hello here. Some of you probably saw my Snapshots from the car – the first post for this series with the photographs taken from my car during driving, standing in the long traffic jams, or just stopping at the side when it’s possible to stop close to the subject of the future image. I found that the post immediately became one of the most popular posts I posted here in my blog site. Thanks to all visitors who wrote their points of view on this kind of storytelling.

But I wanted to correct these who got me wrong. I didn’t talk about the lack of composition, but about the immediate photographing with the maintaining of the aesthetics of the frame, but not deciding and planning for too long time, due to the fast changing situation. The aesthetics of the frame will always remain the aesthetics of the frame as it should be – pleasing or irritating with undisguised honesty of the closeness and appearance of the subject.

But also this aesthetics is very different for every eye. Some prefer symmetry, some love to see the main subject placed exactly to 1/3 of the frame. Personally, when I had too much time to think about what kind of composition I would like to create for a particular scene, I became bored in searching for this “perfection”. Imperfection is my preferred way in photography and i always prefer to have something annoying and gritty inside of my frame, than to make it astonishingly “right” and “clean”.

For these who are visiting my blog with the WordPress application and unable to see the static pages of my personal site can check these links with the goal to find some more about me and my photo works :


Moments of life around me captured with the Ricoh GRii.


About me.


Street portraits of complete strangers.




Kadavar band from Berlin, Germany perform live in Levontin7 music venue, Tel-Aviv.



Snapshots from the car - my purposeless photography (part ii).





Snapshots from the car - my purposeless photography (part ii).





Snapshots from the car - my purposeless photography (part ii).





Snapshots from the car - my purposeless photography (part ii).





Snapshots from the car - my purposeless photography (part ii).





Snapshots from the car - my purposeless photography (part ii).





Snapshots from the car - my purposeless photography (part ii).





Snapshots from the car - my purposeless photography (part ii).





Snapshots from the car - my purposeless photography (part ii).





Snapshots from the car - my purposeless photography (part ii).





19 Replies to “Snapshots from the car – my purposeless photography (part ii).”

  1. These are awesome shots from your car window . You never stop shooting Admiring .
    The last tall buildings are amazingly framed in ..
    At last ..;I know you are good driver 😃please drive safe 😂❤️

  2. Love the series and I agree with you in that….

    “Personally, when I had too much time to think about what kind of composition I would like to create for a particular scene, I became bored in searching for this “perfection”. Imperfection is my preferred way in photography and i always prefer to have something annoying and gritty inside of my frame, than to make it astonishingly “right” and “clean”.

    When I used to do street photography many years ago, if I waited for a pleasing composition, most of the time, I missed that moment (that made me want to press the shutter button in the first place). Even with bird photography, you have to be quick to catch most birds before they fly away.

    1. Ah so right about the street photography and especially about the birds. In every series with birds my first image was a winner. The same with the crowd of ppl. Thank you Vicki for the kind words. 🖤🖤🖤

    1. Thank you very much for the support and very kind words Ted. Agree, the application is a little bit limited, but today its much more advanced than a few years ago. Finally we dont post for likes and the regular blog sites, not connected to the WordPress do not have this opportunity. But sure its always nice to see some likes coming but even more nice to find visitors commenting on the posts when they love the content.

  3. Great shots, well composed as each of them tells a story…even in landscape photography which I like to do there are times when you should break the rules of composition. And there is never a time when you should criticise the work of another photographer – it is unwise because it invites them to look closely at your own work! Shalom!

    1. Hi Steve. Thank you very much for the kind words 😉 Im agree about adding to the landscape photography some unusual twists breaking the regular perception.
      Personally about me..Once, many years ago, in the golden era of, one great documentary artist very toughly criticized my street works and literally opened my eyes and this completely changed my way and seeing. Thanks for him. I dont remember his name so, cant say to him my thanks for this honest criticism. But it’s my story 😉 Not sure if this will work for others.

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