The Life around me – not a special theme.
Well, i’m again here and i’m still alive. Running around with one of my cameras, recently mostly with the belowed Ricoh GRii, that is small, fast, everytime available in my pocket, limited with the only one wide-angle lens (28mm if you very curious to know) and great for my health – i love to be close to my subject, so i have to run fast as possible :-).
A few weeks ago, when I posted my recent post from the “From my Ethiopia trip” series, i promised to continue the story of our staying in the small city Dansha ( Dansha city and the -5 stars hotel of our accommodation. – if you missed it.), but instead of this I wrote about my trip to Eilat this year. and immediately after this i published a permanent page with photographs from the recent (again) live performance of the MONO (from Japan) band. in the Barby live music venue of TelAviv.
And now this post, that born out spontaneously, when I browsed through hundreds of images taken during two months of the summer and still remained on the memory cards – I willed to find one single image to post it tomorrow in my Instagram profile, and found myself editing 19 selected images for this post. Now I have much more for the IG. All images in this post were taken with the same Ricoh GRii we spoke a few lines above. And, finally i also wrote something readeble.
, In conclusion, I want to add that most moments happened not only TelAviv, Jerusalem and Jaffo as usual, but also in Ashdod and Rehovot.
Your photos of everyday life are always so interesting and beautifully exposed and produced
thank you Paula for the kind words ! next time it’s will be post about the colorful Ethiopia for sure ;-)))
Great series, as always
thank you Daniel
Love it love it! as someone has already said that ” Shots are from everyday life! beautifully composed” I am also fun of MONO so it’s perfect shots with MONO – Where We Begin.. I am a big fun of your shots. Each shots are so beautiful!
thank you Naomi !
about these images i took.during MONO performance – the stage of the Barby place is dependently high, not like in other more intimate places i take my regular pictures of bands. So to.shoot with wide open is always to shoot from the bottom so my location just create some specific vibe for the whole series. And the band is not tooo dynamic in their move, so i decided to shoot mostly their closeups this time
thank you for the kind words
Great eye in every shot, Victor. Love it.
thank you Carlos.